
Carpe Diem Extra #43.
Carpe Diem Kamishibai Kurisumasu.

I took the flight. Like I so often do. To my favorite city in Europe. Budapest in Hungary. The center of all kind of arts. The city of many festivals. Now it is Christmas market. Everybody is out and I love mingling around with my Canon. All kinds of handicraft. All kinds of Hungarian food – made out in the air. Chimney cakes baked for never ending queues. All kinds of languages spoken. Some people or many actually like the mulled wine but I don’t. But I wouldn’t say no to an Unicum.

palinka warms up
the most frozen body talks
egészégére (skål!)


5 thoughts on “Egészégére

  1. Unicum! Oh my oh my….do I have stories about Unicum and I! What a terrible drink! But still….somehow so attractive. I remember drinking a small glass or two now and then in Eastern Hungary, on the great plain, in winter, in some small bar or other…

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      1. Oh dear, keep Unicum away from me! I am a naughty boy with these drinks, though it would be fun to meet in Budapest some day – my favourite town in Hungary is Pecs though, very nice.

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